My friend Kris (Cricket Acres Studio) just posted about our weekend buying trip to CT and NY. It was a comedy of errors, to be sure, but a lot of fun and we managed to sqeeze some great deals out of the trip in the end. Check out
Kris' blog for the details. Look below for some pics of the carload we brought home:

That huge piece on the left is an old tool chest. Cubbies, drawers and hangers galore! I can't wait to transform it into a traveling "entertainment" center (think wine and cocktails rather than TV here).

I picked up lots of galvanized items, as well as a few metal garden accents with a lovely patina. That long wood piece with the circle cutouts holds individual tin cups with covers. They were originally filled with machinist parts, but I see buttons and beads in their future.

I fell in love with this little alarm clock. Kris picked up the metal urn.

The picture does not do justice to this giant tea tin. Beautiful hardware, paint in great condition, and a garden theme to seal the deal. This will look perfect cleaned up and over at "The Woods" with my can't-wait-for-summer collection.
We got hit with a number of "closed" signs, but persevered and found two flea markets, an estate sale, a private buying opportunity at an antiques annex, a fun new thrift store, several wonderful antiques shops, a yet-to-open store we can't wait to visit, and a few junk shops with great deals. All-in-all a memorable and Happy weekend! Thanks Kris!