You know it's going to be a crazy week when it starts off with towing a "free" workbench down the street to your house at 6AM on Sunday. Too big to fit in the car, too heavy to fit on the car, sure wasn't going to pass up a freebie, so towing was the obvious solution! You also know it's going to be a
great week when you start off with the blessing of free stuff! Here are some pics of my weekend finds:
(1) Thursday's estate sale in Nashua. The house was owned by a man who fell in love with a French girl and dropped (and sold) everything to move to Paris with her. Ahhhhhh....l'amour....Got some great solid pieces. A little more "high end" than I usually purchase, but beauty comes at many prices:-)

(2) Unintended yard sales on Saturday (you know what I mean...planned on skipping yard sales, yet they somehow jumped in your path). Got a couple of great metal pieces, some planters, a coat rack...great finds.

(3) I love this folding bench I "won" at an online auction. It's from a local church and even has Bible pockets on the back. It will be an effort to part with this little piece.

(4) Finally, my first visit to my local flea this year. Hollis, NH. I love this market. I picked up Kris (her husband left her with only a Prius for the weekend! I'm all about eco-friendly, but the Prius leaves a lot to be desired in the cargo department) and we filled the car in about an hour. And when I say "filled," I mean we also had a table and a vintage bicycle on the roof! I'm tempted to buy a pick-up, but then I'd lose the fun of trying to fit everything into my 4-runner!

It's also a crazy week because we decided to completely re-do our space at the Cooperage while also meeting wholesale orders for the Brimfield Antiques Show, getting set-up for a local weekend antiques market, and trying to fill-in my empty space at From Out of the Woods. Eek! I'll post pics soon--it all looks very, very happy:-)